The Borough has awarded a construction contract entitled the 2024 Borough of Wenonah Infrastructure Improvement Project to Landberg Construction for the following improvements to the following streets: 


Prior to the start of construction, you will receive a notification from the Contractor with additional detailed information regarding scope of work, contractor contact information, and impacts to your property during construction.  

Temporary road closures can be expected and therefore, we ask that you pay close attention to the posted construction signage and be prepared to use alternate routes to avoid conflict with construction activities.   

N. Clinton Avenue Water Main Replacement

Construction is expected to begin on January 31, 2025 with the Water Main Installation in North Clinton Avenue.   

 Temporary interruption of water service can be expected at certain times during construction to allow for the connection of the new water main and to allow for the replacement of water services. The following blocks will be impacted during the course of the project: 

–              North Clinton Avenue, from Mantua Avenue to Poplar Street 

–              Poplar Street, from Northeast Avenue to North Marion Avenue 

 Residents will be notified on a door-by-door basis prior to any planned interruption of water service and service will be immediately restored upon completion of the work.  

 Trash pick-up shall continue to take place on Fridays.  Trash removal on roadways under construction shall be performed at 6AM and therefore, we ask that you please set your trash cans out at the street on Thursday night. 

 *N. Synnott Avenue Roadway Reconstruction

Construction in Synnott Avenue will be delayed as dictated by the winter weather.  Upon confirmation of a start date, a notice will be posted on the Borough Website in addition to the Contractor’s advance notification to residents.