Online Tax Payments
We are proud to offer the ability to make tax and utility payments online. Please call the Finance office at 856-468-5228 to receive your block, lot, and payment amount if you are unsure. Failure to enter the correct block and lot information may result in the delay of posting your payment, rejection of the payment or posting to the incorrect account. Visa Debit Cards have a $3.95 fee and all other debit and credit cards are assessed a fee of 2.95% of the total payment. Choose to pay by e-check,  a flat fee of $1.95 will be charged.



Visit this link to be transferred to the secure payment site.


Auto Pay is Now available!  

***Enroll in AutoPay for your tax and utility bills and choose your preferred payment method.****

Here’s how Auto Pay works:

1. Effortless Payments:  Once you enroll in Auto Pay, your tax and utility bills will be deducted from your chosen method of payment on the due date each quarter
2. Secure and Reliable: Your payment information will be securely stored, and our payment processing is highly reliable, ensuring that our payments are made on time.
3. Flexibility: You can choose the payment method that suits you best, whether it’s a bank account or credit card.  Plus, you can update your payment details or un-enroll from Auto Pay at any time.


– Log in to your WIPP Payment Portal at WIPP Payments
– Log into your Registered User Account. Not a registered user?  No problem, just click the NEW USERS link to create an account.
– Click the SETUP AUTOPAY link.
– Enroll in AutoPay and choose your preferred payment method.

That is all there is to it!  Once you have signed up, you will receive email notifications before your payment is set to be processed.


The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, collection, reporting and enforcement of taxes. Tax bills are normally mailed in July or August each year. They have the third and fourth quarters of the current year and the first and second quarters of the next year. The tax bill contains the portion of taxes that we collect for the schools, library and county as well as the municipal taxes.

The Tax Collector’s Office acts as the collecting agency for numerous government agencies, including the School, Library, and the County. Property taxes are due on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying taxes or the interest due on delinquent taxes. The governing body has granted a ten (10) day grace period on each quarter. Therefore, payments must be received in our office on or before the 10th. When the 10th falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the grace period is extended to the next business day. The Tax Collector is a statutory officer of the State of New Jersey and is obligated to comply with all State Statutes regarding property tax collection including billing, due dates, interest on delinquent tax payments and tax sale procedures.

Kim Jaworski, the Borough Tax Collector is available to assist residents on Monday evenings from 5:00pm to 8:00pm by phone at 856-468-5228 or in person at the Borough Finance Office.

Kim Jaworski, Tax Collector

Phone: 856-468-5228
Fax: 856-468-0390



The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of taxes. The Tax Assessor is responsible for establishing the taxable value of your property. If you have any questions regarding the assessed value of your property please contact the Tax Assessor’s Office.


Interest Charged on Unpaid Taxes

Any taxes remaining unpaid after the 10th of February, MayAugust and November are subject to interest at the rate of:

  • 8% per year for delinquencies up to $1,500.00
  • 18% per year for delinquencies over $1,500.00

Please note that once a delinquency reaches the 18% threshold the account must be paid up to date before interest reverts back to 8%. Any account with a current year delinquency together with accrued interest totaling $10,000.00 or more on December 31st is subject to an additional 6% year end penalty.

Tax Sale:

Any tax, utility, or municipal charge for prior year remaining delinquent will be subject to tax sale. Tax Sale Date is held once a year aroung October. IN ORDER TO GUARANTEE THAT YOUR NAME WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER” NEW JERSEY ADVANCE” , WE SUGGEST THAT THE PAYMENTS BE MADE ON OR BEFORE THE TAX SALE START TIME. TAX SALE WILL BE ADVERTISED IN A LOCAL NEWSPAPER, FOUR CONSECUTIVE WEEKS BEFORE TAX SALE DATE AND POSTED IN FIVE (5) PLACES WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF WENONAH.  PAYMENTS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE ARE NOT GUARANTEED TO BE REMOVED FROM THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. THERE CAN BE NO EXCEPTIONS.  WE WILL ONLY ACCEPT CASH, MONEY ORDERS, OR CASHIER CHECKS FOR PAYMENT.  A PERSONAL CHECK IS NOT CONSIDERED IMMEDIATE FUNDS AND WILL BE RETURNED. PAYMENTS CAN BE MAILED OR DROPPED OFF IN THE DROP BOX LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF THE BUILDINGThe tax sale includes delinquent taxes as well as delinquent water and sewer charges as dictated by New Jersey statutes. When a property is included in the tax sale, a lien is sold for the amount of the eligible municipal charges together with interest to the date of the tax sale and costs of sale. Interest rates for liens sold may be as high as 18%. Depending on the amount of the lien sold, there are additional penalties of 2%, 4% or 6% charged. The lien holder, under certain circumstances, may also be entitled to legal fees as well. Lien holders may pay any subsequent tax or water and sewer charges and add these charges to the original lien. Interest accrues on the original lien as well as any subsequent charges paid by the lien holder. The sale of a tax lien on a property does not give the purchaser of the certificate any rights of ownership or to trespass on the property. This is acquired by the foreclosure process. A lien holder may begin to foreclose on the property two years after the purchase of the tax sale certificate. If the certificate was not purchased by an outside lien buyer at the tax sale, the Borough would be the lien holder and may begin the foreclosure process in as little as six months from the tax sale date. 

Property Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights



Comparison of Tax Rates

Last 6 Years 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
2202Borough 0.766 0.744 0.706 0.667 0.667 0.678 0.678 0.738
Local Library 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.036 0.040 0.046
County 0.629 0.628 0.649 0.666 0.666 0.650 0.641 0.648
County Open space 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.041 0.041 0.039 0.040 0.043
Local School 1.262 1.297 1.336 1.376 1.376 1.449 1.502 1.561
Regional School 1.344 1.332 1.381 1.429 1.422 1.337 1.318 1.399
Total 4.074 4.074 4.145 4.213 4.229 4.189 4.219 4.435

(2024/2025 Tax Year Tax Rate 4.435


Tax Payment Schedule 2024-2025

 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter   4th Quarter
February 1st     May 1st   August 1st  November 1st


Deductions for Senior/Disabled:
Annual deduction of $250.00 from property taxes for homeowner’s age 65 or older and/or disabled persons who meet certain income residency requirements is available through the Borough.  Information can be found here as well:

Veterans Deduction:
Annual deduction of $250.00 from property taxes for qualified veterans and unmarried surviving spouses is available through the Borough.  Information can be found here as well:

NJ Property Tax Relief                                
Program Webpage CLICK HERE!  (

Homestead Rebate Program: (ANCHOR BENEFIT PROGRAM)
To file applications by phone: 1-877-658-2972
To file applications online:
To ask questions: 1-888-238-1233 (Homeowners) or 1-609-292-6400 (Tenants)

Online information:
To check status (Amount) of a filed rebate application: 1-877-658-2972
Taxation e-mail address for rebate questions:

Property Tax Reimbursement Program:
To ask questions: 1-800-882-6597
To check the status of a filed application: 1-800-882-6597
To listen to information or to order an application: 1-800-323-4400
Online information:
TTY Equipment Users: 1-800-286-6613 or 1-609-984-7300

Deductions On Property Tax:

$250 deduction is available on property taxes for any qualifying Senior, Disabled Person, Surviving Spouse of Senior or Disabled Person, Veteran and Widow of Veteran. Applications are available in the Tax Collection Office or Gloucester County Tax Assessor’s Office. For further details on qualifications please contact the Gloucester County Tax Assessor’s Office at (856) 307-6445.


Ordinance no 2020-16

An ordinance adding Chap 60 of the code of Borough of Wenonah is entitled “five year real estate tax abatement”

Application for Abatement/Exemption



2024 Senior Freeze and Social Security Disability Recipients Applications

Prior Year Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze) Forms

Property Tax Relief Programs

Senior/Social Security Disability Recipient (Homeowners, Renters, and Mobile Home Owners)

New in 2025 — Single Combined Application: We have made it easier for seniors and those receiving Social Security Disability in New Jersey to apply for Property Tax Relief with a new, simplified process. Our goal is to make the filing experience more straightforward and efficient. We have a single combined application for the Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement)ANCHOR, and Stay NJ programs for residents 65 and over, or those collecting Social Security Disability Benefits. We will determine your eligibility for you and send a letter with the specific benefits you qualify for.

Starting in February, online filing and a mail-in form will be available.


Quick Links

New in 2025 — Single Combined Application: We have made it easier for seniors and those receiving Social Security Disability in New Jersey to apply for Property Tax Relief with a new, simplified process visit

Questions regarding the following State Offered programs:

  • “The Anchor” program: 888.238.1233
  • “Property Tax Reimbursement”: 800.882.6597
  • Filing Deadline: The deadline to file is October 31, 2025.