The Borough of Wenonah is a member of the Construction Inter-local Services Program with the Township of Mantua. This cost saving measure provides for greater hours of service available to residents five days a week in their Uniform Construction Code Office at 401 Main Street, Mantua, (856) 468-1500.
Please contact Mantua township for permits of all your construction projects, housing inspections, home improvements, fencing, garages, sheds, and sidewalks, etc. as well as electrical, plumbing and zoning.
Housing inspections managed through Mantua Township
Effective January 1, 2023, Mantua Township will handle Wenonah’s housing inspections (Co-Inspections) as part of a shared services agreement.
This includes all inspections required for sales of homes and for rental properties. Anyone needing to schedule a home inspection should visit the the Mantua Township Construction Code Office and speak to Michael Riggs (Housing Sub Code Inspector).
You will be required to complete a form and pay a $90.00 fee.
For more information, please call Inspection Requests and Housing at 856-468-1500 or visit
Click here to be redirected to Mantua Township Construction Department website
Click here to be redirected to Mantua Township Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement website
Construction Code Official
Jim Gallagher
Building Sub Code Inspector
Rich Holloway
Electrical Sub Code Inspector
Buck Stanley/ Chris Romano
Plumbing & Mechanical Sub Code Inspector
Bill Rebel
Fire Sub Code Official
John Honer
Director Land Use and Code Enforcement
Mike Riggs
Code Enforcement Officer
Dave Hayes
Zoning Official
Kevin Howarth
Housing and Inspection Requests
Mike Riggs
Construction Clerk
Jessica Taylor/ Susan Baldwin