The Public Works Department contributes to the improvement of Wenonah in many ways to include: collecting branches, yard waste, leaves and Christmas trees, metal and appliance pick-up. The department maintains all Borough properties whether it is mowing our many acres of grass or plowing our 12-plus miles of roads. The department also treats and maintains our water, sewer and storm drain utilities to be in compliance with the NJDEP. Please refer to the Borough website for additional announcements and information. For any questions, reach out to Public Works at (856) 468-5300.
Superintendent Brian Nicholson (856) 468-5300
Office Hours Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
After-Hours and Holiday Emergency Phone Number (856) 589-0911
Please call the after-hours phone number for any urgent water, sewer, or public works issues. This is the non-emergency line for the county and a dispatcher will assist you.
Public Works Garage
1 W Maple Street
Wenonah, NJ 08090
Frequently Asked Questions
Trash and Recycling Collection in Wenonah is through a shared service agreement with Logan Township. All trash and recyclables will be picked up on the same day, Friday. Please place all your household waste in plastic bags before placing in the trash cart. During times of excess household waste that does not fit inside the trash cart, please call the Borough Finance Office (856-468-5228) by noon on Thursday and have your name and address put on the excess household waste pick up list, as the waste hauler will only stop at addresses that are on that list. Place trash at the curb Thursday evening or by 6:00 A.M. Friday morning. No plastic bags in the recycling cart!
Further questions regarding Trash and Recycling Collection can be answered by clicking on the link below.
Trash/Recycle Collection Information
Bulk Pick Up items such as furniture and mattresses that are too large for regular trash will be picked up on the 3rd Tuesday of the month by the trash hauler. Please call the Borough Finance Office (856-468-5228) by noon on the 3rd Monday (by noon on Friday if Monday falls on a holiday) and have your name and address put on the bulk item pick up list, as the trash hauler will only stop at addresses that are on that list.
Metal, Appliance and Electronic Pick-up
Please contact the Public Works Department at (856) 468-5300 for any metal, appliance and electronic pickup. Items such as TVs, AC units, washers and dryers, computer monitors as well as ANY item that has a metal component can be picked up on a daily basis by Public Works.
A quick reference on paint, chemical, poison, electronics and medical disposal as well as special pick up for large items can be viewed on the annual community calendar or by clicking on the link below. Solid Waste Disposal Information and Guidelines
Household Special Waste:
Click on the link below to be re-directed to the Gloucester County Improvement authority where you can find information for the Gloucester County Solid Waste Complex regarding Household Special Waste.
Branch Collection:
The Public Works Department collects branches for chipping. Please cut the branches in 4 to 6 foot lengths and place the branches in the clear zone (not in the street). If you would like wood chips delivered to your home, free of charge, please contact Public Works at 468-5300 with your name, address, phone number, number of yards of wood chips you are requesting and the location on your property where you would like your wood chips delivered. Wood Chips can not be delivered in the street. Guidelines and dates for Branch Collection can be viewed on the annual community calendar, or by clicking on the link below.
2025 Branch Collection Guidelines
Yard Waste (Small Branches and Shrubs and Garden Vegetation):
Yard waste should be placed at the curb in plastic bags or containers. After Public Works collects the yard waste, your containers and bags will be returned to you. Grass clippings or compost material is not considered yard waste. Please mulch or compost them on your property. Guidelines and dates for yard waste can be viewed on the annual community calendar, or by clicking on the link below.
2025 Yard Waste Guidelines
Bulk Leaf Collection:
Leaves are picked up on a continuous rotating basis, dependent upon the weather and in-town emergencies. Residents may also include other compostable yard waste in with their bulk leaf collection such as plants, flowers and pine needles but please no wood branches or limbs. Please rake leaves into the street away from curbs, vehicles and storm drains. Please do not park on leaves and allow enough access for leaf removal equipment. Please do not bag or place leaves in containers. Guidelines and dates for Bulk Leaf Collection can be viewed by clicking on the link below. 2025 Bulk Leaf Collection Guidelines
Snow Removal:
When snow is expected, please make every attempt to park your vehicle in a driveway. If you must park in the street, use the odd-even system to facilitate snow plowing. If a storm is forecasted to fall on an odd numbered day, park on the odd numbered side of the street, even days, park on the even numbered side of the street. Please clear your sidewalks within 12 hours of snow fall. Guidelines and dates for Snow Removal can be viewed on the annual community calendar, or by clicking on the link below.
2025 Snow Removal Guidelines
Shade Tree Commission Trees:
Contact the Shade Tree Commission (Gary Odenbrett) at 468-2627 with questions concerning the trimming or removal of a tree in the clear zone (the area between the curb and the sidewalk) or to report a problem with a tree located in the clear zone.