(856) 589-0911

Please call the after-hours phone number for any water, sewer, or public works emergency issues.  This is the non-emergency line for the county and a dispatcher will assist you.

Water and Sewer Bills

All water and sewer bills can be paid at the Borough office at 1 S. West Avenue.

For your convenience, we have a secured drop box located by the front door of the Municipal Building where you may leave your payment.

A 10 day grace period will be allowed before any interest will be charged.
A rate of interest on delinquent payments and bills is fixed at 18% per annum, or 1.5% per month.

There will be a $20.00 charge each time a check is returned to us from your bank.

Online Utility Payments

We are proud to offer the ability to make utility payments online. Please call the Finance office first at 856-468-5228 to receive your Account #, and payment amount if you are unsure. Failure to enter the correct account number information may result in the delay of posting your payment, rejection of the payment or posting to the incorrect account. Visa Debit Cards have a $3.95 fee and all other debit and credit cards are assessed a fee of 2.95% of the total payment. Should you choose to pay by e-check, a flat fee of $1.95 will be charged.

Auto Pay is Now available!  

***Enroll in AutoPay for your utility bills and choose your preferred payment method.****

Here’s how Auto Pay works:

1. Effortless Payments:  Once you enroll in Auto Pay, your tax and utility bills will be deducted from your chosen method of payment on the due date each quarter
2. Secure and Reliable: Your payment information will be securely stored, and our payment processing is highly reliable, ensuring that our payments are made on time.
3. Flexibility: You can choose the payment method that suits you best, whether it’s a bank account or credit card.  Plus, you can update your payment details or un-enroll from Auto Pay at any time.


– Log in to your WIPP Payment Portal at WIPP Payments
– Log into your Registered User Account. Not a registered user?  No problem, just click the NEW USERS link to create an account.
– Click the SETUP AUTOPAY link on the left side of the page.
– Enroll in AutoPay and choose your preferred payment method.

Below is an example of the email sent to the resident notifying them of their upcoming


That is all there is to it!  Once you have signed up, you will receive email notifications before your payment is set to be processed.

If you have a delinquent balance, please call the office to confirm the amount due before making a payment online.


Huda Ijaz, Deputy Treasurer/Utilities Clerk

Carol Newman, Finance Office Clerk

Finance Office Hours:

Monday – 8:30 am to 8:00 pm
Tuesday – Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Friday – 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Please contact Huda and Carol at the Finance Office at 856-468-5228, during the hours posted above, with any questions or concerns.


Water Restrictions/ Resolutions

Water Restrictions Resolution #R-2018-57

Outdoor lawn watering is restricted because our water supply is not limitless. All municipalities pumping water from the aquifer, as Wenonah does, have limits on the gallons that can be pumped each year so the aquifer can replenish itself. Restrictions are in place to allow for water for household use and lawn maintenance for all residents, but to avoid going over our allocation.


Watering time limits:   

4:00 am to 9:00 am, and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Date limits: 

Odd numbered houses are permitted to water on odd numbered days.

Even numbered houses are permitted to water on even numbered days.

Outside watering is NOT permitted on the 31st of any month.


  • Adult-attended child recreational sprinklers
  • Newly installed sod and landscaping