Dear Wenonah Residents,

As we work together to recover from the September 1st tornado, I want to update you on efforts in the Borough to clean up and repair our public spaces.  The Borough, just like the residents, has to assess property damage, work through the insurance company and then FEMA to create a plan for repairing and rebuilding.
While residents take care of their properties, the Borough is assessing and cleaning up the damage to:
  • the train station
  • the shade trees – those in the clear zone located between the street and the sidewalk
  • the park
How long will this recovery take?  For now the best answer we have is ‘months.’  The park suffered extensive damage to both the trees as well as the electrical service.  I’ve asked a task force of staff and appointed professionals – Engineers, Shade Tree Commission and Environmental Commission – to assemble a timeline for assessment and repairs so we can keep residents informed on what to expect over the next few months and the progress being made.  Please check our website and social media for updates.
In the meantime there’s so much support in the community and ideas for how to heal. We also are working on how best to work with Borough-approved volunteer organizations to assemble those ideas and funds.  There are several public-private partnerships being considered as well. Please give us another week or two to iron out some details and options.  If you have questions please contact the Borough office, 856.468.5228.
While it only took moments for the damage to happen, it took years for the park to become what it was, and it will take months for us to plan and implement what it can become for the next generations.  We know how important walking through the park is to so many residents.  For now, please consider exploring the park areas of the Lake.  The Wenonah Lake Grounds are open as of September 26.  The Lake property is available for parties and events as well. Please contact the Borough office for information.
John R. Dominy, Mayor