Day 8. It’s hard to imagine that more than a week has passed since the tornado. The impact of this event left it’s mark on our town, from one end to the other. We’re still removing debris … and likely will be doing so for some time. It’s heartening to see the beginning of construction and repairs on so many homes. Let’s continue to support those most impacted.

Rich Black, our Borough OEM, has worked tirelessly for the past week, manning our Borough command post at the Fire House. Rich continues to play a critical key role in coordinating our emergency response and disaster recovery with our residents, our public works and a myriad of outside agencies. Like so many, Rich is a volunteer. He is far from finished, as this disaster will continue to require his attention for the foreseeable future.

This will be my last daily post. However it won’t be the last post from the Borough. We will continue to push information out on all platforms. Please continue to check the Borough’s Webpage for up to date information.

To our volunteer civic organizations, our neighbors, our friends, family, kind strangers from afar, and roving chainsaw crews — Thank You. Our community is eternally grateful.

We are not done. We still have so much to do. Rebuilding our town will take time. But we WILL rebuild, replant, and restore. Now, more than ever, we are ONE Wenonah Family. Be well.

Mayor John R. Dominy