Clean Communities Day is Saturday, November 12th. Sign in at the Train Station that morning, beginning at 8:30am.

Volunteers are welcome to help keep Wenonah beautiful with trash pickup, weeding, mulching, planting, and public grounds clean up.

We will focus on Wenonah Lake grounds and removing debris from the shore line. If you would like to assist at the lake, wear boots and if possible bring a shovel, rake, and/or wheelbarrow.

Volunteers are also needed to help with grounds clean up and beautification around the Community Center, Wenonah Park, and Borough Hall.

Volunteer groups, please contact Karen Sweeney at 856-468-6713 or Anthony Fini at 609-560-8487 regarding your participation.

Please remember the following:

  • Bring your own garden tools and label them to be sure you get them back
  • Wear garden gloves
  • Please do not mix trash in with any yard waste and keep recycling separate from trash
  • When finished count your bags of trash and yard waste, and report your count back to a Council Member at the train station

Thank you for your participation!