Holiday Lights Bike Ride
Monday, December 18th
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Let’s get ready for the holidays and enjoy a stress free slow bike ride through the beautiful town of Wenonah. We will meet at the Train Station at 6:30 PM and then set off to see the lights throughout the town! All ages and abilities welcome.
You or your bike should have blinking lights for this ride. We will ride together as a group and obey all traffic rules.
Bring the kids! Parents must accompany all children 9 and under.
Please register for the ride here:
Always remember – bikes and electric scooters need to adhere to traffic laws just like motor vehicles. Always stop at stop signs, follow traffic lights, ride the direction of traffic, and signal your direction so that your intent is clear to drivers and others on the road. Helmets are required by law for riders age 17 and under. Know the rules of the road, spread the word, and help make Wenonah safer for everyone!