First and foremost, the Borough would like to thank our residents for your support and efforts towards the Borough’s recovery from the September 1st tornado. As you are aware, this process or recovery will be a long one for our community, and we appreciate both your patience and your enthusiasm towards our efforts to clean up and rebuild.

We will continue to share with you on a regular basis details about our progress so far and our plans moving forward, including ways for you to participate in our efforts through donation opportunities and active volunteerism. As always, we encourage you to share this information with neighbors and friends who may not have access to our electronic communications. And, as always, if you have any questions about this information, know that you are welcome to contact the Borough office at 856-468-5228.

Within the next week, workers will begin removing uprooted stumps; repairing sidewalks, curbs, and roadways; and restoring utilities services that were affected by the storm. We are prioritizing areas that are considered hazardous and fall under emergency contract with FEMA.


The Shade Tree Commission is responsible for identifying areas within the clear zone where trees can be safely re-planted and what types of trees are appropriate for Wenonah to plant in these locations. They will work through a timeline for replanting according to what seasons are best to plant new trees and what types of trees are available for our purchase at various times. This process will not be quick, and we appreciate the patience of the residents as the Commission develops a plan.


Many residents have been very generous in their desire to donate trees or money for tree purchase. Please know that the Shade Tree Commission is working with local nurseries to set up funding platforms for donations. This will allow residents to donate money to their choice of several local nurseries, each of which will have a fund set up for Wenonah Shade Tree Commission. The Commission can then use these funds to purchase appropriate trees for replanting throughout the Borough. We expect to have more information on the details of this program available to you in the next few weeks. Once we share more information, we encourage all residents to spread the word to friends and neighbors who wish to help support our replanting efforts!


Please be aware that the Park is still not a safe area for residents to utilize. The area has many stumps that have uprooted and destabilized the ground, and the Park is still without electricity. We will continue our efforts to make the Park a safe space and will alert residents when they may once again make use of this property.

There is currently a Wenonah Park Restoration Committee being formed. This Committee will be responsible for developing the master plan for the park restoration. The Committee will be headed by Jack Sheppard, Jr., who is a former Borough Council member and was the long-time chair of the Friends of Wenonah Park. Jack has spent much of his personal money and time over the years toward the beautification and upkeep of the park. The Committee will include representatives from Wenonah Community Groups, members of Borough Council, and residents. This committee will begin meeting formally by the end of this month.

Many of our residents have expressed ideas about what they would like to see happen with the park moving forward. Please know that there will be a public forum planned for late fall, when the Restoration Committee will meet publicly with interested residents to hear people’s ideas and share their thoughts about moving forward. We will share more information about the scheduling of this forum as it becomes available.

Once a master plan is developed, we will have a better idea of how residents can support the park redevelopment – through monetary donations and through gifts in kind. In the short-term, we will encourage residents who want to donate to support the tree-replanting efforts of the Shade Tree Commission described above. In the longer term, there will certainly be more opportunities for people to help with the park specifically.